About the NC Campus Voting Challenge
The North Carolina Campus Voting Challenge is a nonpartisan recognition program for higher education institutions in North Carolina that commit to increasing student voter participation and engagement on campuses across the state.
There will be three award categories for both 4-year institutions and 2-year institutions, awarded based on student voter participation in the November 2024 election using data from NSLVE. North Carolina Campus Engagement and You Can Vote, will announce awards for highest campus voter turnout, most improved campus voter turnout, and highest student voter registration rate.
North Carolina Campus Engagement and You Can Vote are facilitating this voting challenge in collaboration with the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge (ALL IN), a national nonpartisan initiative of Civic Nation, a 501(c)(3) organization. Awards will be based on campuses’ National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE) reports generated by the Institute for Democracy & Higher Education at Tufts University. Participation in the North Carolina Challenge will automatically include participation in the national ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge.
Institutions that opt into the Challenge will be provided guidance and tools to create an action plan for increasing student engagement on their campus. There is no sign-up cost to participate.
NC Campus Voting Playbook
Introducing the NC Campus Voting Playbook, a best-practice guide for campus stakeholders to ensure eligible students are ready to make their vote count in the 2024 general election.
Learn effective strategies to educate and activate voters on your campus! Includes best practices for student voter engagement and strategies to reach student groups, faculty, staff, and administrations, as well as how to avoid misinformation during this time of rapidly changing election laws.
2024 Summary
2022 Challenge Results
Students, Get Involved!
Join a Campus Voting Team
You Can Vote offers training, tools, and leadership development opportunities for YOU to become a campus voting leader.
You can volunteer to join a campus team @ youcanvote.org/volunteer (select “I am a student”)
You can attend any of our scheduled training sessions @ youcanvote.org/training
You can apply to be a campus fellow with You Can Vote @ youcanvote.org/fellowship
What Our Partners Say
“You Can Vote has been an excellent partner. As an instructor of UNCW’s First Year Seminar course, I’ve really appreciated the valuable voter registration information provided in You Can Vote class presentations as well as the dynamic way they engage with students. As a member of the
FREED planning committee—a group on campus working to prepare UNCW students to become engaged, informed participants in democratic practices—I’m excited to be working more closely with You Can Vote in the upcoming fall to help students reflect on what it means to be an informed, critical member of their community.”
W. Scott Leroy, Assistant Director of Student Community Engagement, UNCW
“North Carolina A&T State University is excited to partner with You Can Vote for the U Can Vote Campus Challenge. This challenge is designed to spur voter engagement among participating campuses across our state and recognize those showing the most growth and best performance in voter engagement. N.C. A&T State University has a robust history of civic engagement intertwined with the civil rights movement, and we take seriously this commitment to voter registration and education within our campus community. Through this partnership with You Can Vote—a nonpartisan nonprofit organization committed to voter education, registration, and empowerment—our students will continue to use their power to enhance the quality of life for themselves, the citizens of North Carolina, and the nation.”
NC A&T State University
“We appreciate the opportunity You Can Vote provides in expanding our existing voter registration and education efforts. We value our partnership with You Can Vote and we recognize the U Can Vote Campus Challenge as an excellent way to sustain and expand the culture of civic engagement among our students.”
William G. Ingram, Past President of Durham Tech
“On behalf of Wake Tech, I’m pleased to join other colleges and universities across the state in the U Can Vote Carolina Campus Challenge. We believe this friendly rivalry will help drive student voter engagement in a non-partisan way, as part of a broader effort to inform and educate students across all our campuses. As an institution of higher learning, we recognize the value of civic education in helping our students soar to the heights we know they can and will achieve. We look forward to energizing our student body and partnering with You Can Vote to encourage strong voter participation in the year ahead.”
Dr. Scott Ralls, President of Wake Technical Community College
"As an alum of UNC-CH, and the proud mom of a Dukie, we are steadfast supporters of North Carolina’s higher education’s efforts to promote civic education and engagement. Never before has student voting rights and turnout been more important! We are thrilled to support the launch of the NC Campus Challenge - and we hope it stimulates all college campuses in NC - and nation-wide - to cultivate civic-minded students who care deeply about our democracy.”
Laura Lauder, Laura and Gary Lauder Family Venture Philanthropy Fund
“On behalf of the students, faculty and staff of Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, I am proud to join other colleges and universities across our country in the “U Can Vote” efforts. I encourage every member of the Trailblazer Family to educate yourselves on the issues important to you, exercise your civic duty by participating in the democratic process, and let your voice be heard.”
Dr. John D. Gossett, President, A-B Tech Community College
Contact us.
Questions about the NC Campus Voting Challenge? Email vote (at) youcanvote (dot) org or fill out the form to the right.